
  • New technology for
    Waste to Energy

    Low energy waste gas to heat,
    steam and power at zero pollution

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Costs in EURO per tCO2 emission reduction


WTE-Tech BV is a company focused on development of new proprietary technology for waste gas utilization and energy efficiency in the process industry. The technology results into significant CO2 emission reduction and emission reductions of a.o. SOx and NOx below regulatory boundaries and transforms waste gas into electricity or steam without additional gas sourcing for flaring. Activities include technology licensing, new development, engineering and design, implementation, project and asset management, and support in investment and finance.


The WTE-Tech solution is focussed on clean and effective waste gas conversion at

  • low heating value content
  • maximum energy recovery
  • zero pollution
  • minimum integrated CO2 emissions


Through Flameless Combustion: a technology based on full hydrocarbon destruction under auto-oxidation conditions. This technology is robust and effective at very Low Heating Values (LHV) of the off-gas and shows robust operation at stable temperatures ensuring full hydrocarbon and with near zero NOx formation.


WTE-Tech BV is targeting applications of Flameless Combustion on waste gas or fuel gas utilization in the process industry, thus covering emission and energy efficiency issues in industry segments like a.o. degassing of inland & coastal barges, on shore storage tanks, coal gasification, carbon black industry, power generation, steel industry, (petro) chemical industry, refining, oil and gas production upstream.